Scientific and Technical Committee
The Scientific and Technical Committee consists of members from various institutions. The task of the committee is to define the research fields and activities. Furthermore, the committee validates and verifies new research projects, and oversees the IND EX® research and development budget.
Dr. Kees van Wingerden
Vysus Group | Bergen, Norway
Prof. Ulrich Krause
Otto von Guericke University | Magdeburg, Deutschland
P. Eng. Hugues Châteauneuf
BBA Inc. | Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Canada
Dr. Georg Suter
FireEx Consultant GmbH | Frick, Switzerland
Marius Bloching, M.Sc.
REMBE® GmbH Safety+Control | Brilon, Germany
Ursula Aich
Verein Deutscher Gewerbeaufsichtsbeamter (VdGAB) | Brilon, Germany