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Apps + Programs

Based on the knowledge about explosion protection, IND EX® supports you and develops useful apps and programs. Apply our knowledge.

New: TSTOOLS®basic

The new IND EX® app
Chemical reactions are one of the 13 types of ignition sources to be considered in explosion risk analyses according to EN 1127. The variety of reactions is large and the analysis of ignition scenarios ranges from runaway to self-heating and self-ignition.
TSTOOLS®basic will be released towards the end of 2024. It will also run on all iPhones®, iPads® with iOS 9 or higher and on Android devices.

New at IND EX®: e-learning.

a new IND EX® Service.
Technical explosion protection measures are always related to organizational measures. The qualification of personnel is therefore an important element of explosion protection. International standards and national laws define the high requirements for persons working in potentially explosive atmospheres, but also for those who plan, install, or maintain explosion-proof installations. IND EX® therefore provides web-based e-learning units. They cannot replace the attendance of conventional continuing education events, but they can be used as basic training for people who are new to the topic of explosion protection or who want to periodically refresh their knowledge.

New at IND EX®: VENT.iNG.

Apply the two most common explosion VENT.iNG approaches in the world, following EN and NFPA.
Extensive research has been conducted over the last decades, enabling experts worldwide to establish standards and guidelines do deal with the hazard of gas and dust explosions. Besides preventive measures to avoid explosions, explosion protection techniques were developed to protect process equipment such as dust collectors, silos, dryers and or cyclones and many others. One of the most common explosion protection measures is explosion VENT.iNG, to reduce occurring explosion pressures in the equipment to an acceptable minimum.In a globalized world, equipment manufacturers are forced to know about many standards and guidelines present in their destination country they are going to supply to. This sometimes can be overwhelming. With VENT.iNG., a software is available which supports the explosion protection expert to apply the two most common explosion VENT.iNG approaches in the world, following EN and NFPA.

EXTOOLS® - Know-how available everywhere at any time

EXTOOLS®mobile and EXTOOLS®pro are the universal tools in explosion safety e.g. for safety officers, experts and technical consultants, etc. who must deal extensively with the topic of explosion protection. They based on EN-, IEC- and ISO-Standards as well as on VDI Guidelines and reports, research work, theses, publications and technical books. EXTOOLS®mobile is an app and consists of a rough compilation of the pro-version features. Please consider EXTOOLS®mobile as a teaser for EXTOOLS®pro.


The app.
EXTOOLS®mobile is separated in five categories: «ignitability indices», «explosion indices», «equipment» «literature» and «abbreviations». Since the indices are obtained under standard laboratory conditions, it is important to know how they depend on factors such as temperature, pressure, particle size of the process and plant under consideration. The basic transformation rules for gases/vapours and dusts are applied.

EXTOOLS®mobile also estimates the degree of ignition hazard and the energy of various ignition sources and calculates equipment-related parameters such as maximum experimental safe gap, circumferential speeds or determines the permissible type of filter fabric for dust collectors. In the "literature" you will find the information on which EXTOOLS®mobile is based. The category abbreviations explains the meaning of the used acronyms.

EXTOOLS®mobile runs on all iPhones®, iPads® with iOS 9 or higher and Android.


The Program.
EXTOOLS®pro is divided into ten categories: "Fuel", "Explosive Atmosphere", "Ignition Hazards", "Protective Systems", "Equipment", "Volumes and Surfaces", "Miscellaneous", "Database", "Converter", "Abbreviations".

With the help of this app, both preventive and constructive explosion protection can be analyzed, determined or calculated in detail. Various equipment-specific parameters for e.g. rotary valves, screw conveyors, mixers can also be determined. Furthermore, release rates of liquids / gases and the degree of ventilation of gases / vapours can be determined. The safety parameters of numerous gases and liquids are summarized in the database.

EXTOOLS®pro runs on all modern Windows® 7 or higher.