IND EX® e.V.
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 36
60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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Dr. Johannes Lottermann studied safety engineering at the University of Wuppertal before he worked for the renowned German mining safety consulting company DMT GmbH & Co. KG. At DMT Johannes led the Department of Technical Fire and Explosion Safety. In 2010 he joined REMBE® to work in industrial explosion safety.
With his consulting background and a PhD in Integral Fire and Explosion Protection Concepts he is now REMBE®’s
Director Explosion Safety, delivering the complete package of consulting, engineering, products and service. His main focuses at Explosion Safety are complex applications such as spray dryers, particle board plants and nonregulated installations in the grey zone of explosion safety standards. Dr. Johannes Lottermann is also a proactive member in numerous committees and international associations such as the VDI, VDSI, VGB and NFPA. He has made a significant contribution to EXTOOLS®.