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Board of Directors Member

IND EX® Honorary President
Richard Siwek, M.Sc.

  • Contact Details:

    IND EX® e.V.
    Platz der Einheit 1
    60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
    phone +49 69 97503-408
    visit website
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IND EX® President - Richard Siwek, M.Sc.
Richard was born on June 5, 1950 in St. Fons, France. He was President and CEO of FireEx Consultant GmbH since 1999 and CTO of the company since 2016. In 2019, he was nominated as President of IND EX® e.V.
Richard was appointed honorary member of IND EX® e. V. shortly after its foundation in 2009 and since then he participated in many IND EX® activities such as seminars and symposia in Glasgow, Mumbai, Shanghai, Radenci, Nuremberg, Krakow, Barcelona, Dortmund, Basel. Besides the classical work in his function, he is mostly involved in the development of computer-aided programmes such as EXTOOLS®, training modules and other tools and supports the activities of the Scientific and Technical Committee of IND EX® e.V. together with the Vice President.