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  • Tue, 10. Juni 2014 - Sa, 14. Juni 2014
  • Bergen, Norway
On behalf of the Local and International Organizing Committees, GexCon AS and University of Bergen would like to invite you to the Tenth International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (X ISHPMIE) in Bergen, Norway, 10-14 June 2014. The meeting is hosted by GexCon AS and University of Bergen (UiB).
Relevant subject areas for ISHPMIE include Blast effects, Case histories, Detonation & DDT, Dust explosions, Explosion prevention, Explosion suppression & isolation, Flammability, Inerting, Gas and Vapour Cloud Explosions (VCEs), Flame acceleration, Hybrid explosions, Hydrogen safety, Ignition and extinction, Release and dispersion, Risk management for potentially explosive atmospheres, Runaway reactions, Spray and mist explosions, Vapour explosions and Vented explosions.

Please find more information under GexCon´s hompage.