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IND EX® Botschafter

Stefano Cavallin

IND EX® Botschafter für Italien

  • Kontakt Details:

    FireEx Engineering Sagl
    Via Rianella 2
    CH-6855 Stabio, Switzerland
    phone +86 21 33829869
    cell + 39 3480080907
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IND EX® Ambassador - Stefano Cavallin
Stefano Cavallin graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy) and, after some years of work in chemical industries, has been involved in industrial explosion protection for more than 20 years and his main activity is explosion risk assessment in industrial processes.
Stefano Cavallin assists worldwide customers, both plant manufactures and users, in different sectors of activity like food, pharma, chemical companies, etc. The guiding philosophy is first preventing any ignition source capable of causing an explosion and, if necessary to achieve the safety target, designing in addition constructive protection measures, in order to reduce the effects of possible explosions.